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Prescription Men's Finasteride 1 mg Pills

Finasteride 1 mg pills is the first and only prescription pill to be FDA approved for treating hair loss in men. The 1 mg pill that is taken orally once a day. When first released in the market its brand name was Propecia, made by Merck. Finasteride 1mg has been clinically proven to work on the vertex (back of head) and the anterior mid-scalp area (top of head towards the front). It is not indicated for the hairline, but numerous people, including myself, are successful at stopping recession of the front hairline while on this medication.
Finasteride works by suppressing the Type II 5a-reductase enzyme from converting testosterone into dihydrotestosterone or DHT. If you recall from reading the For Men or For Women section, Type II is the 5a-reductase enzyme found in hair follicles and DHT is what causes the hair follicle to shrink and lie dormant. By stopping the conversion of testosterone into DHT you decrease the levels of DHT in the hair follicle, which stops the hair loss and stimulates regrowth. This introduction of this product proved that the main cause of Male or Female Pattern Hair Loss is the result of DHT in the hair follicles and if you stop the production of DHT it will stop the hair loss.
The downside of this medication is the potential side effects. It has sexually related side effects such as erection problems, decreased semen, and a decreased sex drive. The occurrence of side effects while on this medicine is low, only about 4%, but it is present for some men. Also, this treatment is for men only. Finasteride has been linked to birth defects in women of child bearing age, and women should not even handle this medication if the pill broke or cracked. However, in recent years doctors have started using Finasteride with females that are in their menopausal years.
Finasteride 1 mg is a prescription medication and must be written by one of our doctors and dispensed by our registered pharmacy in the United States. Beware of any websites that allows you to purchase Finasteride 1mg without a prescription and not dispensed by a U.S. registered pharmacy. Our price includes a consult with one of our doctors, the consult is required with purchase.
My experience and opinion on this product: I started using this product from the first day it was made available, which was over 20 years ago. As you will read in my hair loss story, this product stopped my hair loss for years, but eventually became less effective and I had to add other treatments to my hair loss protocol. No medicine works forever. The downside of this medicine is the potential side effects, which are real. I personally never had an issue with side effects on the 1mg dosage and I have been on it for over 20 years now, but I have customers that had to stop taking Finasteride because of the negative side effects. It is worth noting that most of the men I have come across that had issues with side effects while on Finasteride pills the side effects went away within a month of stopping.
There are a few websites out there that sell Finasteride pills as I do but they only market to men under 35 years of age. They do that because doctors know that the chance of sexual side effects is higher in men over 40. The reason is as men age the occurrence of erection problems increase anyway so the hesitation of doctors to prescribe Finasteride pills to men over 40 is understandable. The advantage of my website is I also sell prescription topical products for Men that don’t want to use Finasteride 1mg pills. In my experience prescription topical formulations work just as well with no side effects.
It is nice being able to simply take one pill a day to stop hair loss and it is an inexpensive treatment compared to the prescription topical formulations, but for some men it can cause sexual side effects. Again, one of the nice things about using a prescription topical formulation, like the Azelaic Acid formulation or one of the other topical products I sell, is the worst side effect is scalp irritation and not erection problems like Finasteride 1mg pills can cause.
Finasteride Pills
Price: $70
90-day supply