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Hair Transplant with Bosley
Bosley is a medical clinic that does hair transplants. A trained medical doctor surgically moves hair follicles from the back of your head to the top. This is a simple in office procedure that has little or no downtime. The number of visits just depends on the severity of the case.
The back of your head is called the donor area and the destination is the area of your scalp that has thin hair or baldness. The hair on the back of your head doesn’t recede or bald, it is hair that should always be there. This treatment is most successful for people that have plenty of donor hair in the back to give you a full head of hair with a nice hairline in the front. The great thing about this procedure is it is your own hair. You live your life the same as before you started to lose your hair. It is your hair. It grows. You comb and wash it.
It is important to speak with a trained and proven medical doctor about hair transplants. You want your results to have a natural look and feel. To look natural, we believe you have to have plenty of donor hair and the right hair type. It is my opinion that Bosley is the most experienced clinic in the business for hair transplants.
My experience and opinion on this service: My life long philosophy has always been to save the hair you have and try to regrow what you have lost. Your real hair will always look better than having hair transplanted from the back to the front. I met with a doctor from Bosley and while there I got to look closely at some patients. For most of the patients I saw and for people I see out and about I can always tell the difference between normal hair and transplanted hair. I like this treatment over nonsurgical hair replacement because you can live your normal life without any hindrance. The key to success with this treatment option is having plenty of donor hair so the doctor can make the treatment area as thick as possible. However, transplanted hair will never look as real and as thick as your natural non-transplanted hair. With that said, if we can’t save the hair you have or if we are too late in saving the hair you have then a hair transplant is a good option if being bald isn’t good for you.
Click here to learn more about hair transplants by MHR/Bosley